(performance is not an issue here)
I was wondering how to use a VM inside of ACI as firewall for the north-south traffic for a specific tenant. I know how to integrate using a L3 Out with a physical firewall on the outside of ACI connected to ACI l...
Hi all,I've got the weirdest problem trying to add a CAS to a CAM on version 4.1 that i've never seen before.I continously get the error:Could not add Clean Access Server!But i can ping between the CAM and the CAS. There are no filter in between them...
Hi all,Possibly an embarassingly simple question.But do anyone know how to break a reverse telnet session from Mac OS X ??Normally on windows we would use "CTRL+SHIFT+6 X" but the same approach does not work for mac ?Any hints ?Lasse,
Hi all,I've found out that from version 12.4(6)T i cannot use the commands:eou clientless username XXXXXeou clientless password XXXXApparantly they have been discontinued ?But what is the alternative to get clientless hosts working in a NAC Environme...
I probably have a setup that could benefit from this. Containing a serial terminal connected across an ip network to a main unit at the other end. RS232 running 9600 baud.Could you possible post some snippets from your config ?Best Regards,
Hi,I already tried voice service voip -> allow connections h323 to h323 but unfortunately without any additional luck.I've heard that what actually happens is that the call are being redirected back to the caller with the new number ! so i tried usin...