Member since ‎12-16-2021

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  • 14 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 5 Helpful votes Given
  • 45 Helpful votes Received
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Hey All, just set up a Auto Attendant and the timeout is not following the zero out option. It just says the you call cannot be transferred, please try again later. Shouldn't the timeout follow the zerro option after 10 seconds?
So I set up a test call queue and set the welcome greeting, estimated time to wait, comfort message and MOH. If I call the queue extension internally everything works as expected. If I call the DID/exteranl number I only get the welcome message then ...
Can you assign a schedule to a pilot number/virtual extension? If I use an auto Attendant there is a 10 second delay before it times out to the zero option. My goal is to have a DID ring a customer service queue during the day and an Auto Attendant. ...
Is there a way to add the name and extension to the email notification from Webex Calling. Currently I only see callers information and this doesn't meet my requirements as I have multiple mailbox's and need to know from what mailbox I am receiving t...
Is there any way to give a customer the option to leave a message while in a Call Queue without losing their place in queue?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-16-2021 10:06 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-21-2022 12:05 AM
Posts 14
Total Helpful Votes Received 45
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Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Webex Community Champion, December 2021
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