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Member since ‎11-24-2006

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  • 21 Posts
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HI,   I have just installed CML personnel on my Mac Book using VMware Fusion Pro. If I start a single node type eg IOSV router eventually it starts and I can console to the device. If I start two IOSV nodes once booted I get no console output. System...
If you configure flowcontrol on an interface (flowcontrol receive on) on a 2960G then the "show interface"output shows that input flowcontrol is "ON"If you configure flowcontrol on an interface (flowcontrol receive on) on a 3850 then the "show interf...
Here's my problem.At present I have a 3750 stack running with several vlans configured.I get a cdp error stating I have a duplicate ip address which conflicts with my default gateway address. If I remove the vlan int address the cdp output changes to...
I have a need to do multicast over different subnets and across several LAN routers. I can see all interfaces and vlans associated to the group that are connected directly to the local router,but can't get the remote routers to join. I think I should...
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have a server with a dual nic card connected to two different 2950 etherchannelled?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-24-2006 12:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2021 12:18 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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