After updating to MacOS Monterey v12.3.1 (21E258) users are not able load or see live reports in any update browser including Safari, Chrome, FF, Brave, etc. The headers just say "Loading Report..." Any insight and help is appreciated.
Sorry for my late response. I was out of the office with COVID. We will apply the patch and if that does not work we will try the workaround you suggested. Thank you for the suggestions!
It was a working system. We lost reporting in FF over a year ago so we advised users to switch to Safari where reporting worked up until everyone installed the latest MacOS update, which is why I assumed it had to do with the OS update. I will take a...
After updating to MacOS Monterey v12.3.1 (21E258) users are not able load or see live reports in any update browser including Safari, Chrome, FF, Brave, etc. The headers just say "Loading Report..." Any insight or suggestions are appreciated.