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Member since ‎02-02-2016

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Good day I recently uploaded 3 csv files to 3 different inventory segments.   The first one was to an existing inventory segment and after 2 days it was completed.  But the other 2 files I selected new inventory for each file upload, but so far I hav...
I am trying to do a file import of a csv file and according to the info received the file import was successful and it indicated to check the status in the upload processing report.  But when I check the upload processing window the status is not bei...
How do you delete an upload stuck in progress?   I uploaded a file over 3 days ago and it is still indicating a status of In progress. CSV File ImportCSV admin v2.csv 2016-02-05 12:26:12---IN PROGRESSAdmin
I am new to using SNTC and I uploaded my first CSV device list file today.  It indicated the upload was successful and mention I have to logout and login to view the changes.  But when I do this I still don't see any inventory, the only menus I have ...
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Member Since ‎02-02-2016 03:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-13-2017 08:56 AM
Posts 6