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Member since ‎02-02-2016

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I am in need of some fine tunning on my QoS and CoPP configurations. I have a remote ISR router and I need to prioritize traffic to/from my subnet over a 10Mbps Ethernet WAN connection. Here is what I have so far: ip access-list extended...
I have cisco IR829 Cellular router at one of my locations. What I would like to set up is the following Primary Route is to our Data Center over fiber connection from the MDF.Backup route is to the IR 829 into or cellular network.  I have a statement...
I am trying to get one of my servers access to microsoft updates via the application filtering. However, I think that it is not working because of no DNS capabilities. We want to point their DNS to Cisco Umbrella which I have created as objects. Can ...
I have an IR829 that I am doing testing with and I have a question as to the capabilities of the SIM cards slots. Can both of these be bonded together to create greater throughput, or are they used in a fail over capacity only? When slot 0 loses conn...
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Member Since ‎02-02-2016 01:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-10-2022 12:04 AM
Posts 26
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