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Member since ‎06-14-2022

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I have a rather old network that I have inherited. I know that extending a VLAN from one DC to another DC in the same AS using VPLS and MPLS is rather old hat (I would rather utilise vxlan but these C6880 switches do not support it), but I have no ot...
Hi, We have a 3 x DC architecture that can be summarised as per below: DC1 - West LondonDC2 - Telehouse WestDC3 - Telehouse NorthDC1 has an ethernet metro line directly to DC2 and DC3 and likewise DC2 and DC3 have a X-Connect within Telehouse, thus f...
Hi, I have a 3 datacentre architecture. See below: DC1: Connection to DC2 and DC3DC2: Connection to Transit ISP 1, DC1 and X-Connect to DC3DC3: Connection to Transit ISP 2, DC1 and X-Connect to DC2 If we look at the above, it is basically a triangle ...
Hi, I have a lab that replicates our Core network consisting of 6 x C6880-X switches in a 3 x VSS topology. I have VLANs on each of these VSS's that have been assigned layer 3 interfaces and are also installed into the VLAN Database. In normal circum...
Hi all, Does anyone know if it is possible to utilise a C6880-X Switch in GNS3 please? Thanks
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Member Since ‎06-14-2022 12:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-28-2024 01:05 AM
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