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Member since ‎12-20-2009

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helloi am useing cisco 1841i want to create client vpn to my cisco 1841 routecan you please send me instructions and how can i check if my router version support client vpngolan
helloi have couple of questions.i am using cisco 1841 router1. can i create site to site vpn from my cisco router 1841 to check point FW?2. i am using at my router cisco 1841 vpn can i add one more VPN on my existing router ?thanksgolna
good morningi am useing cisco 1841 when i am looking on my router cpu usage is to highcan you explain me how can check it              7    112     22          82     22   2                  9    5         31 1306056468031         55  41234233341    ...
hello i am useing cisco 1841 router connected to my server IBM X3550 both interfaces set to 100 MB/Full duplex,even thats i see an input error.what should i do ?i try to change it to speed & duplex to automy server connected to router directly(no swt...
good morningi am using cisco 1841 routerat one of my interface i can see "input error" and they grow very fastat both side (my router and ISP router )the interfaces set to "full duplex" & "speed 100"please advice?see my interface details:Frankfurt#sh...
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Member Since ‎12-20-2009 01:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 37