Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-26-2009

User Statistics

  • 11 Posts
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I have an AP AIR-CAP2602E-A-K9 and a WLC 2504 with software The problem is that the AP can't join this controller: *Jun 11 11:57:02.411: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to*Jun 11 11:57:02.415: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Invali...
Hi, I'm having a problem with a mgcp configuration, some ports show Registered status and others show Unknown status. But all analog phones can complete calls normally, I have rebooted the router many times and it happens allways with the same ports....
My company is changing its internal active directory domain name, and CUCM 8.5, CUPS 8.5, CCX 8.5 and CUC 8.5 are using DNS to resolve names.I have to change this applications from using DNS to use IP adress or the new DNS domain name.What is the pro...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-26-2009 12:57 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-07-2020 08:53 AM
Posts 11