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Member since ‎03-28-2023

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Hello everyone !I've been trying to schedule discovery on dna center however I don't really understand how it works.I'd like to make it recurrent, but there is no explicit documentation on how to do it. When I set a daily interval of 1 for ex...
Hello everyone,When I import a new image into DNA Center then assign it to a device family that's not already created, nothing happens.I was expecting to see a new family created, so I can use the image during pnp.Does anyone know how to solve this p...
Hello Everyone,I have a question regarding the DNAC/CMDB integration. I was wondering is you could provide some insights on how it works ? Specifically, I'm curious to know what key is used to update the table. Additionally, is there a way to choose ...
Hello everyone !I'm trying to import a csv during the pnp to complete the template variables during tests. I exported the Excel from DNAC and filled the missing parts. However, I get the following error on DNAC.This is what the Excel looks like.Can a...
Hello everyone !I'm trying to perform pnp on a switch using DNAC.  My switches can't get past autoinstall on DHCPv6.I tried it many times before and it worked. I haven't changed my configuration.Is there a way to deactivate autoinstall on dhcpv6 ?Tha...
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Member Since ‎03-28-2023 05:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-20-2023 01:22 AM
Posts 27