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Member since ‎03-28-2023

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Hi there everyone! Can someone tell me the latest version of IOS that will run on a Cisco 2621 router? I am running 12.3(24) currently, but i'd like to run SSH version 2.  Apparently the version I am currently running only supports version 1.5.Thanks...
Hello again, I am running a Cisco 2621 router with iOS version 12.3(24) and I would like to set up SSH version 2, however, I see only version 1.5 is installed.  Is SSH version 2, or 1.99 available on this version of iOS? I have googled and have not c...
Hi there, I am setting a small Cisco lab on my home LAN, and am looking to configure a 2621 router to connect to my ISP.  I would like to have this router on the same subnet as the existing router from the ISP, if that is possible.  Am I missing anyt...
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Member Since ‎03-28-2023 01:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 2
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