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Member since ‎09-22-2015

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  • 16 Posts
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Hello,   I've seen a number of questions related to this but thought I would try to get some clarification.   I have a script that front ends all my other scripts and does database dips to pull data from a couple of databases.   I store this data int...
Hello,   I've seen guides that show you how to integrate CUIC 11.X with UCCX 11.X and the process seems pretty straight forward.   Can anyone point me in the right direction as how this should be done for 10.5?   When I add my CCX database to my stan...
Hello All, I have a SIP to SIP CUBE router with a SIP trunk to the PSTN.   This router is also acting as an SRST gateway for the local site for about a dozen 7841 phones (SIP).   Everything is working well in both SRST and non-SRST modes except when...
Hello, I need some help with Finesse workflows and UCCX 10.6 I created an ECC variable that I'm populating in my script and I want to trigger a Finesse workflow from. I've configured this variable to also display on my agents' Finesse desktops by a...
Hello Experts, It has been many years since I've worked with UCCE (not since 4.x) and am looking to get back into it.   My initial goal is to be able to support it from a day-to-day admin perspective.   Deploying will come later.   I've been reviewin...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-22-2015 12:18 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2018 08:56 PM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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