Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-09-2002

User Statistics

  • 22 Posts
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  • 5 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

                   Hi, I have configured the ip telnet source-interface Loopback 0 command on a Nexus7010, but when I telnet to another device and do a show users, the ip address is of the closest interface to the device I telnet to, not the ip addre...
I have a router with 3 ospf processes, can I redistribute ospf 1 into ospf 2, then ospf 2 into ospf 3 and expect to see routes from ospf 1 redistributed into 3?Or will I have to directly redistribute ospf 1 into ospf 3 aswell to see ospf 1 routes in ...
Can the IP address of an AP be associated to a different VLAN than the Native VLAN
I have a Novell NDS v5 environment, Stand alone Win 2003 CA, ACS 3.2 Appliance and 1200 AP's.I have installed a certificate on the ACS and on the client, but when I try to authenticate, the ACS logs a failed attempt 'Auth type not supported by Extern...
Because 3.2 uses SQL7 and 3.3 uses SQL2000, can I upgrade from SQL7 to SQL2000, or does SQL need to be installed from new ??
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-09-2002 02:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-21-2018 11:27 AM
Posts 22
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