Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎04-23-2007

User Statistics

  • 15 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi! Since recent availability of ASAv for Microsoft Azure I have question about network design. Currently it is possible to have 4 network interfaces in ASAv, so we limited to 3 subnets in Azure VNET. We have more than 3 subnets and Azure Gateway for...
Hi!Are there any recommendation for VM size of CSR1000V in Azure ?I see recommendation size A2, D1, D2 (all standard) during creation. Are any performance to VM size comparison?
I looking to buy SGE 2010 swith, but I have some question:1. Can I use 4 SFP ports and stack of two switches at the same time. 2. Is it possible to use for stacking  ports other than 24, 48?3. What is maximum possible number of ports  to use for stac...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-23-2007 04:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 15
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