Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎01-16-2002

User Statistics

  • 10 Posts
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I have a CAD agent on UCCX 8.5 that when she misses a call the system, as designed, places her in not ready. When she immediately tries to go ready again the receives an error stating "The phone may have an active call. Hang up the call and try again...
I need to setup intercluster trunks between two clusters. The first cluster has 5 UCM servers and the second has 3. Depending on Which servers are in the Device Pool depends on whether a the call goes through. Is there any good reference material for...
I have a router connected via DSL to the Internet. I have always been able to VPN out of this network to any other network. I recently used SDM to set this router up to VPN into this network. This also works fine, however, I can no longer VPN out. Se...
I have a customer who has downsized. The customer would like to have all unallocated DID's ring to the Operator. We are currently using MGCP for the gateway.Is anyone aware of a way to do this in CCM without affecting configured DID's?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-16-2002 09:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 12:26 AM
Posts 10