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Member since ‎06-08-2009

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I did find several methods how you could kind of "hack" this into the UC560 via CLI but is there a way how you do it with CCA or in a CCA-compatible way?Thanks.
Hi thereWe recently swapped a cheap RV042 with a SA520W, doing NAT overload for the office (1 public IP address).There's also a small web server running internally and the SA520 is doing port translation for this server on port 443 (https), which has...
HelloWe have a SPA9000 setup as described here.All is working fine with exception of the call pickup and call park features.If we try to pick up a call ringing on another phone, the caller hears us but we don't hear anything from the caller. We found...
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Member Since ‎06-08-2009 06:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-28-2018 09:17 AM
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