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Level 1
Member since ‎09-23-2010

User Statistics

  • 2 Posts
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Hi,I have a WAP4410N that I am trying to get to work on multiple VLANs. Here is the scenarioThe WAP is plugged into a cisco switch. The port on the switch is trunked. I have 2 VLANs on this network VLAN 1 for business and VLAN 2 for guest access.I ha...
Hi,I have a Cisco WAP4410N setup in a conference room and have users who run the Cisco VPN Client When they are on the WAP, they get booted off their VPN connection. When they are hard wired, they have no issue. What could my problem be...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-23-2010 01:16 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-27-2018 12:18 AM
Posts 2