Can anyone provide a ikev2 vpn configuration guide between cisco router and paloalto , the main part is that Palo is using NAT'd ip address as peer in front of the real peer ip
Hi Thanks for the info , Actually I applied the config with the real ip itself but it did not work until i added both the peer ips (NAT'd and Real )at tje same time under the profile , Both the phases are up now .crypto ikev2 profile IKEV2-PROFILE2-...
Thanks for quick response , here is the configs on my side , and the Palo peer NAT ip is 104.153.X.X and the real Peer ip is 10.1.X.Xcrypto ikev2 keyring KR-X peer site 1address 104.153.X.Xpre-shared-key ************crypto ikev2 profile IKEV2-PROF...
Hi , In my case the other side ( PA-5220 ) used NAT'd public peer ip address , and the real peer ip is behind the NAT ip address and i am using NAT ip as remote peer , Here are some debug output , I also try to enable NAT keepalive 20 under the profi...