Muhammad Anser Khan
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-22-2009

User Statistics

  • 119 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 3 Helpful votes Given
  • 32 Helpful votes Received

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Hi, I need to achieve different level of remote vpn user access for the network.  I do have Cisco ASA 5520 (SSL VPN) that max support IOS version 9.1.x. It does not support 9.2.x so It does not support CoA (posturing & remediation). http://www.cisc...
Hi, My question is to use policy based service insertion/service graphs between the EPGs communications to redirect traffic to ASA firewall & F5 slb.  Below are Cisco ACI components:1- Spines & Leafs2- APIC Controllers3- Cisco ASA Firewall attached t...
Hi, If my ACI is acting as layer 2 for the EPGs and Firewall is connected to ACI acting as a gateway for all the EPGs connected to the ACI.Do I really need to have one BD for one EPG or Can I have multiple EPGs in the same BD If I want? We need to en...
Hi,I am considering to plan for the stretch fabric design over full meshed or separate fabrics in the three data centers located within 300 meters of range from each other and possibly huge fibers are available to interconnect them.All three data cen...
Hi, I have a requirement to span some sources to the remote destination(recorder). Both sources and destination are in different subnets connected to different switches. Sources are connected to  "WS-C3750-48P       12.2(50)SE1           C3750-IPSERV...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-22-2009 11:03 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-05-2018 05:32 AM
Posts 119
Total Helpful Votes Received 32
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