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Member since ‎01-02-2009

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Hi all,I have a AS5350 and recently I updated the IOS from 12.3 to 12.4.The configuration didnt changed, but in the 12.4, the calls are disconected with the code(service or option not available, unspecified (63)).I turn the ISDN debug on and this is ...
Hello,Im configuring a AS5350 to force the load of audios (used by a call application) using the ivr autoload command.the command follows:#ivr autoload mode verbose retry 3 url tftp://ppsvr01.telenova.com/IVR/telenova/ivr_autoload-br-en-sp-ch.txt#ivr...
Hello,We have a PGW2200 and we are facing a stuck CIC problem. Im trying to monitorate it thru zabbix but I cant find the correct OID for the information. DOes anyone knows it, or can point me some document where I can find the OID ? I googled in man...
Hi all,Recently one of our AS5350's E1 stop working properly. The physical status is OK.E1 3/0 is up. Applique type is Channelized E1 - balanced Description: CIRCUITO LD No alarms detected. alarm-trigger is not set Version info of slot 3: HW: 5...
Hello,I have some AS5350 that currently works as voice gateways. But our night traffic is very low, so we had the ideia to provide dial-up internet access in low-usage periods.Can someone point me some documentation on how to use the E1s on this gate...
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Member Since ‎01-02-2009 10:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
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