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Member since ‎03-26-2001

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I may be missing something really obvious but how can I setup dynamic membership in a BACD peer group using CCA? equivalent of "list 7100, 7101, 7102, *,*,*" and allow any other phone to do a dynamic login to the group using FAC *3group ? I've done i...
anyone got hold of one of these and tried to use it with a UC540, or CCA? Been told by a UK distributor it's on new product hold and they can't get any until an unspecified future date, but it's on Cisco.com as a product & a client has seen it and wa...
hi everyone,in the show ephone-hunt output for a longest-idle group, what is the on-hook time stamp field displaying ? I know it's used to work out the longest-idle, but what does the number signify - timestamp of last call? but counting from when?Th...
hi all,When an onsite administrator uses Office Manager to move a user in/out of a group for BACD, the CCA-set timeout parameter of 15s is changed back to 8s. How do I over-ride that behaviour?Thanks,AndyEdit: it also over-rides user login/logout sta...
Getting some strange behaviour on a UC540 with SPA504G phones. On some handsets, VVE works just fine and users who are members of BACD groups can access GDM via VVE properly. On an unassigned handset, I can go into VVE, enter the ID and PIN for an ag...
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Member Since ‎03-26-2001 05:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 94
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