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Member since ‎05-26-2002

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Hi!Our intranet is set up with Windows and Basic authentication. How do I set up a Bookmark that use the credentials I logged in with on the Clientless VPN Portal?I already have OWA and cifs Bookmarks working this way.It's a ASA 5520 8.2(1)Kind Regar...
Hi!I have configured lan/state failover with ASA 5520. When testing failover i loose contact in about 20 seconds is this normal?? does anyone know what time to expect, until the connection recover to secodary unit?/Regards
I have a problem with vpn client access and local ip pool. In Pix version 6.3x when i created ip local pool an object was also created under Hosts/Network and there was no problem to give this object (ip pool) access outside_access_in , but in my ASA...
Hi!VPN 3000 Concentrator and a Windows 2000 RADIUS server.I know how to lock users in to a group with CLASS attributes but don't know how to do if I have to use several groups.One user should only see (have acces to) mail and the other files.
Hi!We are using a VPN 3005 so our customers can connect to our intranet with vpn. The costumers are using PIX501 to create a tunnel. To start the tunnel they have to type the ip address to our intranet. Is it possible to configure the VPN 3005 or the...
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Member Since ‎05-26-2002 11:08 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 12