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Member since ‎12-02-2009

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Can my outlook clients connet though the WAN port on the UC520 to  get voicemails?   How would you do this though CCA? 
Very cool that CCA 3.1 is now alowing customization of the phones backgrounds.  The old method of modifying the XML file and TFTPing was a mess.   When I try to uplaod the files though CCA however I get an error that 'the selected image format is not...
I have owned a UC520 since CCA 2.1   and each time you factroy default the unit and re-enter the generic SIP providor the incomming SIP calls are rejected with 500 Internal error.  Each time the fix was to remove a Voice Source Group Access list.  TA...
I did in place upgrade to 8.2/8.0.6 and it seemed to work. After the upgrade I decided to factory default the unit via the reset in CCA because I wanted a fresh clean start. Those of you multi-year CCA victims know what I’m talking about with the "ou...
So! 1)User has a shared line on two devices and a personal voicemail box.  When a caller trying to find that user in the Dial By Name directory enters the last name the system responds  "more than one listing was found" and begins to phonetically s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-02-2009 01:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-02-2021 10:27 PM
Posts 108
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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