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Member since ‎05-19-2004

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I have a UC560.  i went into CCA and it told me tha VM may not be working propertly.  I ran CUE diagnostics in CCA and it is comming back with se-10-1-10-1(offline)#.  VM seems to work fine.  How can I get it on line again?
I have a customer that has a UC560 and would like to pop customer details on a screen based on the dialed number.  Does anyone know of anything that would be appropriate?
I have a customer with a UC560.  They are using TAPI for click to dial with their CRM system.  Several employees use terminal server and they require TAPI to work with termijnal services.  V2.2.0.5 does not seem to work with terminal services.  Does ...
Version of the Cisco TAPI for CME appears not to support Terminal Services.  Are tere any TAPI drivers that works with UC500 and will support Terminal Services?
I have a customer that has a UC560.  They are using the Cisco TAPI on their PCs.  This works fine, however they have a requirement to be able to control multiple lines on a server.  The file name for the regular TSP is TSP-SingleLine-
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Member Since ‎05-19-2004 12:03 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 118
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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