Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎12-08-2004

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  • 192 Posts
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  • 39 Helpful votes Given
  • 225 Helpful votes Received
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Hi Gurus,Please refer the Diagram.  The WAN is on MPLS.  WAAS is deployed in all sites.The problem - When a couple of users at any office initiate inbound FTP or Inbound Windows File copy from any other office , the utilization on the WAN link for th...
Hi,I have 2 ASAs 5520 AIP-SSM in Active/Failover mode connected to 2 3750 Switches.The 2 3750 switches are trunked with each other & are the LAN Gateway running HSRP for the LAN. They also have a couple of VLANs & are running EIGRP ( connected to the...
Hi,I am getting the following error despite having the configs right. Can someone help ?I have a Domain controller in DMZ trying to talk to the Inside Domain controller.The error is - "No translation group found" Source is from one of the Inside Doma...
Hi All,I am having this new problem. I am getting occasional timeouts when i ping from my LAN to the ASA inside interface / any other hosts outside my ASA.Recently we migrated from PIX 6.3 to ASA.Earlier i was spanning the inside interface of the PIX...
hi i have two internet Links of 4 MB & 8 MB. Link A - 4 MBLink B - 8 MBI am doing Multi-Home BGP for these two.I have 2 ranges of IPs / 24192.168.2.0 / 24Currently i am advertising them in such a way that from the Internet, inbound Traffi...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-08-2004 12:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-18-2018 04:08 AM
Posts 192
Total Helpful Votes Received 225