Dileep Sivadas Padmini
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎08-27-2008

User Statistics

  • 83 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 19 Helpful votes Given
  • 25 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

 we have a requirement to run PIM adjacency between a firewall and nexus in VPC environment , firewall connected to nexus  by using  VPC port channels and  VLAN SVI is used to establish PIM adjacency.As per configuration guide this PIM adjacency curr...
Hi,Anyone faced issue when following below TAC document on FTD HA upgrade ? , it looks like readiness check notsupported in HA configuration and a bug filed for the feature (CSCvm11203), but wondering why upgrade documentmentioning otherwise?FTD HA U...
Hi Everyone, Any one successfully activated smart license using offline SLR method ? How do we generate Smart license Specific reservation request code on Catalyst 9300 switches running in IOS 16.9.3 ? Regards,Dileep
Hi,    I am looking for a stable version of Async OS 11 for ESA C390 ,  appliances are currently running on  10.0.1 and plan to use following MD path for upgrade. 10.0.1-087-> 10-0-2-020 -> 11.0.1-027 -> 11.0.2-037.   I saw many posts regarding kerne...
Hi ,I am trying to configure a site to site VPN between a 7200 series router and an ASA.These devices already have one RA VPN configured on them. In IOS router I used ISAKMP profile and gave lower sequence number for site to site crypto map. After th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-27-2008 11:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-19-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 83
Total Helpful Votes Received 25