Hi, I'm a newbie in expect. I need a help to figure out couple things with this script:
#Specify all our commands in a list, that we will issue one by one at a later time.set commands [list "conf t" "do sh ver | i uptime" "do sh clock" "end"]
Hi, anyone ever experiencing this: SW01#sh int Te1/1/6 --> trunk port to another switchTenGigabitEthernet1/1/6 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 0041.d244.c93a (bia 0041.d244.c93a) Description: DCI ...
Hi, I'm new to python and need help on accessing multiple switches and grab some information from the devices. I tried to run these commands but it didn't give the result that I needed - it doesn't send/execute the show commands. Notes: I can't add m...
Hello...can someone explain to me why the last input of this active port shows never.
FastEthernet0/6 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Last input never, output 00:00:00, output hang never
9622019 packets output, 740900442 bytes, 0 underruns...
Hi Joe,
Thanks for your time to look at my issue. I use sh commands just for testing. I run your script and some devices missing the last command "end'. Here's the input sample (R2):
spawn ssh R1
R1>conf tenPassword:R1#conf tEnter configuration com...
I see. Thanks for clarifying it. SW01#sh int Te1/1/6 switchingTenGigabitEthernet1/1/6 DCI link to CORE-SW01 Te1/1/6 Protocol Spanning Tree Switching path Pkts In Chars In Pkts Out Chars Out Process 2022330 129...
Hi Francesco, thanks for the response.So are you saying this will work: remove the auto QoS (say from port A) and put a customised port on Te1/1/6 and re-apply the auto QoS on port A?Do you know why the drops value of Te1/1/6 exactly match with Te1/0...
Hi Flavio, thanks so much for taking time to assist me on this. You're expect solution is good but I would prefer to use Python since I'm in the middle of learning this language. I made some changes on the script to include pexpect.TIMEOUT and once i...
I'm facing the same issue. Auto QoS has been uplied on 2 of the trunk interfaces. For various reasons I can't remove this policy-map, but I need to apply different policy-map to stop high output drops on another trunk interface.Could you please help...