Nathan Cartwright
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Member since ‎08-23-2010

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Looking to build a microapp to take calls from ICM to process TTS/ASR but need to pass SSML to the form audio group as well as a grammar file from ICM.  So far I've attempted to use the RESTAPI step to pull either an XML file or raw text. The raw tex...
Greetings!I know VXML pretty well and have been working with it for a while but just getting started with CVP Call Studio. Perhaps I'm missing something but there isn't quite feature parity there. I recently created a CVP app to answer some basic FAQ...
Greetings, Have been doing some testing with cloud NLP/NLU providers. Currently, I'm working with UniMRCP and DialogFlow. First, even I attempt to do MRCP v2 to UniMRCP SDP never seems to be established and just loops there or CCX finally says there ...
I have a customer that is dictating some rather unique and advanced call recording requirements. All calls that get recorded must be sent to at least two NICE recorders simultaneously. My understanding is that CUBE Media Proxy can help here. I have a...
Greetings, I am working with with Nuance Vocalizer 5 and Speech Server as well as UCCX with premium licenses. The goal is to create a web portal to where supervisors can go to and generate MoTD prompts. I have a script currently that retrieves an XML...
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Member Since ‎08-23-2010 02:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-06-2022 05:47 AM
Posts 32
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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