Bobby Mazzotti
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Member since ‎11-15-2012

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So I just recently setup a Cisco 5506-x with firepower services, but it changed my CLI once the console was enabled. Am I able to change back to the original CLI from this?So it went from ASA#to >
Hi Cisco Community -So I'm getting better at ASA's, but still have some items to work through. I have a customer who has requested an ACL policy to allow a few servers with different sub-interfaces to communicate with each other over specified ports....
I have somewhat a unique customer configuration I'm troubleshooting. My customer has a C240 and C230 UCS storage servers directly connected to each other over an Intel ethernet converged network adapter X540-T2. So they have a Cat6 crossover connecte...
Hello,I have a request from a customer to allow a server on the inside network ( to the "learning network" over a specific set of ports. Here is the current ACL to allow from DMZ to Inside networkaccess-list learning_acces...
I have a 2911 that has a few existing IPSec tunnels and I'm looking to add one in except the encryptio is a little different. I will be using AES vs DES like the other transform sets. - This what I have configured except I still don't see the tunnel ...
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Member Since ‎11-15-2012 07:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-03-2021 09:14 PM
Posts 35
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