Hello,you can find that information in the user guide at the following URL:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/routers/csbr/rv0xx/administration/guide/rv0xx_AG_78-19576.pdfLook to the document from page 39 onwards.
Hello,here are some answers to your questions:#1 What is ganed by migrating over from PPPoA to PPPoE and advantages if any?PPPoE induces slightly less overhead than PPPoA (except if you are running PPPoEoA) and does not require any ATM connections. I...
Hello Ronald,looking to the error, it could be linked to the following bug:CSCtl72890 duplicate of CSCtq05004 Dialer loses IP Address sporadicallyCSCtq05004 is currently not fixed. Though, with the description above, it is not enough to say for su...
Hello,Load-balancing should be supported on the 3560:3560(config)#ip cef load-sharing algorithm ?
original Original algorithm
tunnel Algorithm for use in tunnel only environments
universal Algorithm for use in most environments
What type of switches are you using ?You just need to make sure spanning-tree is properly enabled on each of them. Also, when you refer to the "orange" port, do you mean the color of the led for that particular port ?What happens if you check spannin...