Asif P Abubackar
Level 1
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Member since ‎01-18-2011

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  • 10 Posts
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Hello All I need to evaluate between Cisco and HP solutions, does any one have a technology comparison between Cisco and HP in terms of features, resileincy, reliability, road map etc I have got below models between Cisco and HP. Nexus 7710 vs HP ...
Hi All,CUCM 7.1(3) services are stuck in starting state. None on the services are getting activated. I have tried restarting the server also. Please refer the output below. Also we did not had any change in the configuration which can trigger to this...
Hi All,Can some one help me to know the factry default steps for IP Phone 3911RegardsAsif
Hi All,Can I upgrade to cucm 7.1.5 from 6.1.2. Hws the upgrade path, it would be great if someone can guide meThanksAsif
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Member Since ‎01-18-2011 11:07 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-21-2018 04:42 AM
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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