Thomas Schmitt
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎10-03-2010

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  • 110 Posts
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  • 66 Helpful votes Received
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Hello,I'm not sure, where I should use graceful restart and where not. Please help me with GR for OSPF, BGP and LDP configuration for the network shownIn my Example we have one distribution area with 2 Switches using FHRP and connected on L3 routed l...
Hello,I need some help with Prime Infrastructure 3.10 Templates and probably configuration groups - I don't get how it works; unfortunately there is just PI User Guide with very brief feature description and hardly other resources about this
Hello,I thought, i understand SSO/NSR/NSF and how to use it, but as soon as I tried to configure BGP for NSR with SSO feature, nothing worked as expected. Please explain to me, what's wrong with this configuration.I'm going to configure NSR BGP Sessi...
Hi,I’m just confused about new behavior by applied, but not existing ACLI remember from basics, that if you try to use an non-existing ACL, it will be threaded as deny ip any any ACLbut today, on catalyst 9500 switch, running iOS-XE 17. Something I s...
Hello,I'm not sure, if I understand some points right from this "IS-IS Support for an IS-IS Instance per VRF for IP" guide and need some help.Actually I want to deploy this juniper setup with Cisco IOS-XE software, but apparently Cisco doesn't suppor...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-03-2010 08:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-03-2023 05:43 AM
Posts 110
Total Helpful Votes Received 66