Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎06-23-2009

User Statistics

  • 211 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 70 Helpful votes Given
  • 60 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

I'm trying to find information resources that can provide some insight as to how others have overcome the challenge with managing servers and their applied policy, when it comes to necessary exclusions and policy options.  Presently I am using 1 poli...
Cisco does not allow me to use the plug and play portal to create a wan edge list, even for lab purposes.  Is it possible to create the CSV manually? I've downloaded an empty WAN edge list from vManage. Are there any guides to do this? note: the reas...
I have a 2900 router which is processing SIP packets which are destined for unknown IP addresses. Included in these unknown addresses are addresses which appear on the LAN side of the router and also the subnet ID of the router interface (not the ip ...
Unencrypted malware blocking is working fine.    If you implement a SSL decryption policy for HTTPS web traffic and configure an ACP rule to inspect the HTTPS traffic for malware, one of two things will happen: 1.  Either the Firepower module will de...
I would like to configure a VPN between an FTD appliance and another Cisco appliance, specifically an ASA and an IOS router. Usually I use VTI tunnels so I can create a tunnel per-internet connection. I'm a bit unsure on the capability of FTD at the ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-23-2009 12:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-22-2024 10:34 PM
Posts 211
Total Helpful Votes Received 60