satya mothukuri
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-23-2011

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  • 135 Posts
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Hello,we are planning to implement active active links between our 2 Data Centers. currently we have 1 link and we use BGP for connecting between the DC's. Now we got second circuit and want to make this as active active connection so that if the pri...
Hello,We are having two Data centers A and B. A has 2 No's 5672 and B has 2 No's 9372. we are planning to connect both DC's using point to point 10 Gb link. Now coming to the problems.1. Since i have only 1 physical connection (10Gb), i would like to...
Hello,AS-IS we have 2 Hub routers one for MPLS and Another for INET(internet). we are planning to have another ISP ,So we will install Another HUB router INET2 soon. But i want to know, what will be the configuration on the Master contoller look like...
Hello,we are using our router as DCHP server for all our branches. Recently  some other company merged with us.we have having dns issues as the users are not able to resolve the dns ,unless they add fully qualified domain name.someone suggested to ad...
Hello, i am working on a solution to provide internet(only) to our Scanners Android based. we have WLC 5520 and ISE for integration. My solution was to configure L2 auth with PSK, since its only internet as we are separating form our internal network...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-23-2011 10:32 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-01-2023 12:18 AM
Posts 135
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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