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Member since ‎03-28-2011

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Say if I have two class-maps, one is matching on IP address, the other one is matching on IP Precedence, what happens if a packet meets both criteria?  Which class-map it'll match?I guess it'll be top-down (match the first class-map).  If that's the ...
I tried to use a 1G SFP on the N7710 F3 module.  But kept getting "Transceiver speed does not match the speed configured on the port" message.Is there any tricks on that?  e.g. do I have to configure the port speed / plug in the SPF in specific order...
To use a DS-3 card on 29xx routers, we have two options: Option 1 (old NM module): Use "NM-1T3/E3" with "SM-NM-ADPTR" adapter.Option 2: (new SM module): Use "SM-X-1T3/E3" However, these two options seem to have different compatibility on 2921/2911 ro...
May popular network discovery tools out there (such as WhatsUp Gold, Solarwind) are based on SNMP.  Even though they claim to support SSH/Telnet, but they didn't seem to work the way I thought. What I'm expecting is a software that mimic the way a hu...
I have two brand-new switches (never configured): 3750X-48port and 3750X-24port.If I'd like to make the 48-port switch as #1 member in the stack and the master, what's the best practice (minimum steps) I should take?My expected result is like below:s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-28-2011 12:05 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-12-2018 01:09 PM
Posts 154
Total Helpful Votes Received 29
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