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Member since ‎06-18-2004

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  • 43 Posts
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  • 186 Helpful votes Given
  • 159 Helpful votes Received
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We are running Expressway MRA X12.5.6. The other day, the external servers had trouble syncing with NTP.  Right after a reboot, NTP would sync up, but within a few minutes the jitter would climb to around 60000, the status would be REJECT, and time w...
Is there any requirement that the order of authentication when using ISE is 802.1x and failover to MAB, instead of trying MAB first, and then 802.1x? If the 802.1x is tried first, there is a timeout before MAB is tried and some clients are too impati...
I am failing to make the CUIC Finesse gadget work in UCCX instead of UCCE. The install docs say to use<gadget>http://localhost/3rdpartygadget/files/CUIC.xml</gadget>but in UCCX you *must* use either<gadget>http://localhost:8082/3rdpartygadget/files/C...
I was reading and configuring a pair of CUBEs to be redundant according to the document: and in particular, these lines: i...
In general, we are pleased with the way CUCM 7 and Unity (Connection) handle calls, so we do not want make any global changes as that would upset those depending on current practice. We do have one tiny problem which seems hard difficult to solve.We ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-18-2004 01:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-21-2022 09:08 AM
Posts 43
Total Helpful Votes Received 112