Jose Maroto Grande
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-10-2013

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  • 23 Posts
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Hello boys, Anyone know, how can I get the EPGs statics paths (config) associated to a LEAF?, I want to get this information with curl command and xml output format. I have used apic inspector but I haven´t achive the goal. Thanks allot.
Hello,I want to share my last experience when I tried to bring up a new ACI fabric (lab propose)Devices:1x APIC M3 -> 4.2.4i aci software2 x SPINE N9K-C9332C -> 14.0 initial ACI software2 x LEAF N9K-C9348GC-FX -> 13.2 initial ACI software The apic is...
Hi everyone, I have read some ACI routing configuration guides, but i don´t find any about how to configure static routing in external routing domain. I have a VPC connected to two 6500, I have configure an external L3 out in the tenant common and I ...
cisco says: Packets that arrive at the peer-gateway vPC device have their Time to Live (TTL) decremented, so that packets carrying a TTL of 1 might get dropped in transit due to TTL expiration. You should take this situation into account when the pe...
Hello,I need help with CLNS in NX-OS. I am channging 6500 for Nexus 7K, i have a problem with CLNS.I have in IOS this configuration:interface Tunnel9999 no ip address ip broadcast-address tunnel source Vlan402 tunnel destination t...
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Member Since ‎04-10-2013 12:01 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 23
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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