Francis Garcia
Level 1
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Member since ‎08-16-2009

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Dear all,I am having a little hard time configuring a PPPoE because the provider is using 2 PVC for the connection. I attached the pic taken from the modem where the service was configured. What I want is to change the modem for the ADSL-WIC and to u...
Hi folks,Actually I have just setup a vpn, everything is working fine except when the clients disconnect the VPN client session. What happens is that when I issue ¨show ip route¨ the static route pointing to the client is still there,  even if I issu...
Hi Folks,I got a situation with my router which is a 1760 with 2 ADSL Wics with 2 diferents ISP. What I want is any traffic that comes from internet to one of my interfaces, goes back for the same interface. I got a default route pointing to internet...
Hi Folks,Actually I got a web server inside of my network, I got a 1760 router with 2 ADSL connection. The web is reachable from internet through the router's public ip address that we rent from the ISP (We got a public domain name too with this IP)....
Hi Folks,I got a 1760 router with 2 adsl wics, but what happens is that both cards are always- down - down -, even if I execute the -no shutdown- command in the interface mode.Here you got some commands.***********************************************...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-16-2009 01:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 34
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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