Kevin Redmon
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎04-26-2006

User Statistics

  • 88 Posts
  • 17 Solutions
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  • 43 Helpful votes Received

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IntroductionOne of the ASA features is URL filtering. It can be used to block or allow users from going to certain URLs/websites. This article aims to educate the user on how to use and configure this feature via ASDM. After reading it carefully some...
OverviewTerminologyPrerequisitesStep-by-Step configuration exampleDocumentation OverviewThe Cisco ASA phone proxy feature allows remote Cisco IP phones to establish secured communication channels directly with the ASA. These secure communications ter...
OverviewTerminologyPrerequisitesStep-by-Step configuration example[edit]Documentation  OverviewThe Cisco ASA phone proxy feature allows remote Cisco IP phones to establish secured communication channels directly with the ASA. These secure communicati...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-26-2006 06:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-19-2023 08:24 AM
Posts 88
Total Helpful Votes Received 43