Jeroen Huysmans
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎01-07-2010

User Statistics

  • 62 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 0 Helpful votes Given
  • 30 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,   I'm looking for an answer how to attach a 40Gbps FEX (let's say N2K-C2348TQ) to a 10Gbps Nexus chassis (let's say N77-F348XP-23 in a 7706 chassis, running 7.3(1)D1(1)).The 7706 only has 10Gbps linecards, no 40GBASE interfaces.   I see 2 options...
Hi,   During a maintenance window at a customer I upgraded the root priority on some core switches in different networks in order to make room to add additional new core-switches (N7K) in the near future which will replace the old core (cat6500/cat45...
Hello, I'm working at a customer who has several issues with WLAN coverage... The issues are currently "unclear" but I think it's fair to describe them as "coverage issues" because of coverage holes etc. While investigating the Flexconnect controlle...
Hi, I'm working for a customer who asked me to check why their C6800-16P-10G wasn't working as expected. They're running 15.1(2)SY4a which doesn't meet the minimum required release: 15.2(1)SY. Which IOS would be preferred? They're now running MD re...
Hi, At a customer I had to enable BGP routing on N5K's (5548's with L3 daughter cards). Before enabling this feature, I checked the licensing which _shouldn't_ be a problem according to the customer. They only have LAN_BASE_SERVICES_PKG installed, B...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-07-2010 02:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-19-2020 10:17 AM
Posts 62
Total Helpful Votes Received 30