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Member since ‎05-10-2006

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  • 55 Posts
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Hi,I'm purchasing an extra switch for the current WS-C3750G-12S-E stacks. Currently it has c3750-advipservicesk9-mz.122-35.SE1.bin which I believe this is considered as EMI. (Yes, I know the diff between SMI/EMI)What I'm currently confused is, I need...
Hi,I know that we should use VACL for filtering L3 traffic on the in the vlan, but I also know some people still using ACL inside a vlan. Can someone elaborate why we should not use ACL inside a Vlan or point me to the right documentation?Regards,Dav...
Hi,I'm looking for Design Guide or Best Practice to merge two or more networks. Both of them use similar overlapping 10.x 172.x and 192.x networks and I'm actually trying to stay away from NAT if possible. Any URL or books recommendation?Regards,Davi...
Hi all,I've been using hwic-3g-hspa with 1841 before but now I'm using 1921 and I'm always getting timed-outROUTER#sh ver     Cisco IOS Software, C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Technical Support: http://...
Hi, i've read http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk365/technologies_tech_note09186a0080124c7d.shtml and it is stated"When the metric of the redistributed route from multiple ASBRs are equal as illustrated in the document, the forwarding address changes ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-10-2006 01:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-19-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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