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Level 1
Member since ‎03-16-2011

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  • 10 Helpful votes Received
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Morning I am having issues trying to get a etherchannel form between two switches. the first switch says that the link is down and LACP is enabled and the second switch says that the link is up and LACP is disabled even though both interfaces show as...
afternoon all i was looking for a bit of help in configuring QOS for two VLANS i have created. these will be for voice traffic vlan 22 and video traffic vlan23. i also have three other vlans for pc's, wireless devices and our cnc machines. we have 5 ...
Morning allI have two WAP4410's that dont work correctly like other peoples on this site, one unit has been RMA and a replacement has the exact same issues. im currently going through a tac case with their support engineers but im looking at my optio...
I have two Cisco WAP4410N's connected to two SG300-28P's running the latest firmware on both the access points (brand new and out only been used for 3 days) and the switches.i came into work this morning to find that the clients (windows 7 pc's) coul...
hi all we have a production network that uses five SG300 switches that functions brilliantly most of the time. four of our switches run in layer 2 mode and the last switch runs in layer 3 as it is used to route our 7 vlans as well as routing traffic ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-16-2011 06:13 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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