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Level 1
Member since ‎07-08-2004

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  • 134 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 56 Helpful votes Given
  • 37 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Does anyone out there use the BAT tool to Batch ANA phones?  Is this even possible?  I know it's possible to BAT full gateways, but we were looking to just BAT several analog phones here and there.  It appears to be possible with VGC phones, but I ca...
Does anyone out there run a shared line between a VG gateway and an IP Phone?  We have about 8 phones on a shared line, one of which is an analog connected to a VG gateway.  A 224.  The VG runs SCCP as well as the IP phones.  We're running into a pro...
What does everyone use for uptime / Statistics reporting for their clusters?  We're looking into reporting on system performance stats and I wanted to see if anyone out there had anything interesting that they were using for this purpose.  Any inform...
I've been reviewing the following document and it looks like UCCX 7.x is not compatible with CUCM 8.x.  Is this definitely the case?  Has anyone out there gone to CUCM 8.x without taking the UCCX to 8.x?
I have a customer on CME 4.x who is having issues with their received call listing. Whenever a call comes in and is transferred to another user, the received call shows up as the calling number of the transferring party, instead of the external call...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-08-2004 05:30 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-26-2018 12:02 PM
Posts 134
Total Helpful Votes Received 37