Fabio Henrique Teixeira
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎04-25-2012

User Statistics

  • 39 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi. I have a CME version 9.1 with a problem to translation a called number. The configurations are below: ------------------------- voice translation-rule 1   rule 1 /^00../ /025/ voice translation-rule 2  rule 1 /^.*/ /6133222222/ voice translati...
Hi guys, I need to mapping 4 vHBAs to a Virtual Machine (VMWARE) to comunicate with the type library. I have tried to mapping using PCI Devices and it works fine (I saw the flogis in my nexus 5K and the VM is communicating with my tape library) but,...
Hi, I have a CME (version 9.1) with some 9971 and Jabber Voice Clients SIP phone. I am buying 16 news 9971 phones and the reseller is selling the licenses for the each phone. My questions are: How can I check the quantity of phone licenses I have on...
Hi, We use the Jabber Voice with the company in which I work and the same company has released new iPhones for their employees. It turns out that as we enter the Apple Store this App that no longer appears as available for download. Even doing a sear...
Prezados(as), Utilizamos o Jabber Voice com o CME na empresa a qual trabalho e a mesma disponibilizou novos Iphones para seus colaboradores. Acontece que quando entramos na App Store esse App não aparece mais como disponível para download. Nem mesmo...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-25-2012 08:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-21-2022 12:01 AM
Posts 39
Total Helpful Votes Received 25