Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-15-2005

User Statistics

  • 49 Posts
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User Activity

Hi, Our CUCM is running on version and Cisco gateway on XE software version 16.6.5.  On the Cisco gateway we have configured hardware conference of max participants 16 and max session 32. This gives us max stream of 512.  However, on ...
Hi,  We need to setup a VCS Expressway cluster.  The currently there is a single VCS Expressway setup and we are going to create a cluster and add in the first peer.  Typically, the LAN1 is Non-NAT interface and the LAN2 is the NAT interface.  Howeve...
Hi,  Does Cisco provide any Pre Engagement Questionnaire on the client environment for Jabber deployment?  The objective of the questionnaire is to find out more information on the client AD infrastrusture and other dependencies for successful Jabber...
Hi,  Is there any update on when VXME will be available on Dell Wyse's Z50D thin client, third-party Windows-based thin clients and Windows PCs?RegardsDaniel
Hi,  I understand that VXME software will be extended to Dell Wyse's Z50D thin client, followed by support for third-party Windows-based thin clients and Windows PCs.  With this, will VXME support local media processing for audio and video for CUCILY...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-15-2005 06:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-21-2019 01:02 AM
Posts 49