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Member since ‎01-26-2009

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Hi, I am trying to configure an ASA 5505 as a backup of an ASA 5510 and I am having problems with the sub interfaces in the 5510 to translate to VLANs configuration for the 5505. Even, I am wondering if it is possible to do a configuration that work ...
Hi, We have a Cisco 3945 router that stopped working. Sys led is in amber so I have found that this mean a system error, but when trying to load the router it only shows: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)M13, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Technical Suppor...
Hello, I have a router Cisco 2911 with two possible Wan interfaces out and a backup configuration using IP SLA. When the Primary Interface goes down the traffic is automatically rerouted through the Backup Interface, but the problem I have is that wh...
                   I have a site to site VPN configured between two routers Cisco 2811, and it has been working for a long time, but now the tunnel is up but line protocol is down. There has been no changes in the configuration of the routers and I h...
Hi,I need to open a port in a Cisco 2911 router to permit the conexion to an equipment that is inside the LAN, but I my configuration doesn't workt.I have 3 interfaces configured: two WAN interfaces (one is a backup of the other) and a LAN interface....
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Member Since ‎01-26-2009 10:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-23-2017 11:17 AM
Posts 39