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Member since ‎08-05-2008

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Is Secondary dial tone still required? I just had a hard time explaining what that is to some voice engineers in their 20s and 30s. Are most people used to not having to hear the secondary dial tone before dialing out? joel  
If I upgrade the DX80s to CE8.2, when I have a multiparty call using conductor as an adhoc bridge, can I get to choose layouts like the SX series?
I am running CUPC 8.5 in desk phone mode with a 7965 and a Microsoft LifeCam but NOT getting video. On server health --> Desk phone VideoServer Address:Server Port:Server Protocol: CASTStatus: CDP can't detect phone - no phone attached.Sometimes, the...
My CUCIMOC does desk phone control and works as a softphone but LDAP fails. I don't understand how LDAP needs to be setup.LDAP integration is done in the CCM, Do I still need LDAP for each MOC?If LDAP is not working in the client side, how does it ge...
there are 2 ways to configure a port that connects a phone and piggy backs a PC.1)switchport access vlan 1switchport voice vlan 22)switchport trunk encap dot1qswitchport mode trunkswitchport trunk native vlan 1switchport voice vlan 2which is best way...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-05-2008 12:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-23-2021 12:47 AM
Posts 162
Total Helpful Votes Received 32