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Member since ‎02-08-2017

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We have a customer that is all 8851 phones, and they wanted a small headset that they can wear all day and not over the head.  We opted for the 5200 UC and 5200 Office sets.  We continue to have lots of issues with call quality with them.  Even thoug...
I have created a new ccx script for a new call queue.  Here is the concept. incoming call, if agents are available, doesn't play message, just starts ringing first agent.  If all agents are busy, then it goes to a queue and plays a please hold messag...
I have a quick question. Customer of ours opted to purchase a Webex Board and it is used in their conference room as their primary webex device for meetings. With their device before, they have 2 TV's on the wall on the side walls connected through o...
I have created a zoom account paid subscription and bought an API room connector and associated it with a webex board.  If the zoom account I created for this, creates a meeting and I invite the webex board through our O365 resource calendar, it work...
I recently updated the call park extension range.  However, users are still parking in the range that I removed.I am not aware of any service that would need to be restarted after making any call park changes.Why is this happening?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-08-2017 08:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-28-2024 01:05 AM
Posts 63
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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