Rigel Daykel Silva Arguinzones
Level 1
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Member since ‎05-23-2012

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You need to go to MST configuration. The configuration guide say thay the maximum suported instances is 128 for rpvst and for mst is 65 instances but each instance don't has limit in vlans.
Hi, I hope that you are very well. I have the next issue configuring HSRP between two routers, the firts router is a 1841 with IOS 12.4(25g) Advance IP Services (Router Digitel), and the second is a 2801 with IOS 12.4(15)T9 Service Provider Services ...
Hi all, I have a question for you, and I need your help.!!!I have two site (Central and Remote) and I did a link point to point between it. These AP are managed by a WLC 5508, the distance between this AP is 30 Mts or 98 feed, I have configured the c...
Hi all,     I hope you are well, I'm try to manage one network mesh and two ap1200 through a wan link, because the wlc is in the central office and the network mesh and ap1200 belong to remote office, and this offices is connected with private wan li...
Hi all,     I need your help in the next: One customer report to me vulnerabilities in the his Cisco ASA and Cisco 2811 and the vulnerabilities is this.     1- OS Identification (Router). Synopsis: It is possible to guess the remote operating system....
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Member Since ‎05-23-2012 02:25 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-25-2020 12:38 PM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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