I had the same problem with trying to upgrade 3850s. First the *.bin wouldn't copy across, it would time out or something. Then the power went out over the weekend and 2 switches, failed in the copies, wouldn't come up. The *.bin or all *.pkg file...
I've had the same problems as above. Basically can't copy a new IOS into flash:. I've booted from USB and toward the end of the process the switch reboots and comes up with nothing in flash or misconfigured. Back to Switch: prompt. Will try the e...
Dag, The Admin Network is broken into 2 parts because of the subnet mask /25. It makes one network the lower part of the range and the other is the upper part of the range. If devices (workstations, etc) have a /25 address, they will only see othe...
itmgr@gregory1.com thank you for the info. My guess is I don't have a "crypto" image or the correct model that is supported for Https. I am replacing all our 3750G with 2960X or 3850 switches. All have the latest versions from Cisco 15.0(2)SE10a...
Fixed my issue with switches jumping to the far lower right corner!
Now, if I could get CNA to discover on port 443... Documentation says it will but when you modify a community and put any new address in there to discover, it tries on port 80 (H...